Large  Braseros lid

Large Braseros lid

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Lid to protect your entire brasero.
The lid of the brasero is made of corten steel.
This large lid protects the entire top surface of your brasero, including the cooking plate.
The lid also allows you to smother the fire when you are done using the brasero and to extinguish the embers in complete safety.

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Lid to protect your entire brasero barbecue.

The brasero lid is made of corten steel with a mahogany wood handle.

This large lid protects the entire top surface of your fire bowl, including the cooktop.
The lid also allows you to smother the fire at the end of the braseros use and to extinguish the embers safely. 

Dimensions of the lid according to the diameter of your brasero:

  Brasero 60cm Brasero 80cm Brasero 100cm Brasero 120cm
Lid dimension 65cm 85cm 105cm  125cm
Lid thickness  1mm  1mm  1mm  1mm
Corten steel